Spring Security Basic Authentication With Database
Authenting users, securying APIs, implementing role access based are all difficult jobs but thankfully we can rely on Spring to solve these problems. In this ...
Database Migrations in Spring Boot Using Flyway
Applying changes to databases is a tedious job. Having to syncronize systems and remember what changes have been applied is hard, and it’s likely to ...
Automating Versioning and Releases Using Semantic Release
As developers we tend to automate everything, so why not automate the generation of Git tags? Having to create Git tags everytime we merge into ...
Java AES Encryption and Decryption
Data encryption is an important feature to assure the safety of data transmitted. While there are many ways to do it, in this article we’ll see ...
Server-Sent Events in Spring Boot
Communicating to the client when something happen in the back-end is a great way to react to changes or simply to display the latest data. ...
Polling in Angular using RxJS
Polling is a widespread mechanism where a client application periodically fetches data from a server to keep its UI up to date with real-time. In ...
Dockerizing an Angular Application
Over the years the way we build, ship and run our applications has changed, thanks to Docker. It offers a consistent environment, making it easier ...
Using Docker Compose with Spring Boot and SQL Server
Spring Boot and SQL Server are two great tools, but when used with Docker Compose they can make an outstanding app. In this article we’ll ...
Dockerizing a Java Application
In this articile I’ll show you how dockerizing a Java application can be straightforward and how Docker makes it much easier to develop and deploy ...
Documenting Spring APIs Using OpenAPI 3
Documentation is one of the most important things when it comes to developing an application. There are so many APIs with poor or even no ...
Communicating With Raspberry Pi Using HTTP
The Raspberry PI is a board with which we can experiment and create all kinds of projects, such as turning on an LED. Wouldn’t it ...
Deploying Spring Boot and Angular as a Single App
Spring and Angular are two great frameworks that we all often use to build our applications since their features make our life easier. Sometimes we ...